A team of volunteers is on the look-out for more recruits as they launch a regular group to clean up the Grand Union Canal in Greenford.

Greenford Delta is joining forces with the Canal & River Trust, the charity that cares for the waterway, to collect litter and keep the popular stretch between Horsenden Lane, Perivale, and Greenford Road looking beautiful.

Their first event is on Wednesday August 12 from 10am–1pm, meeting at the entrance to Perivale Wood Nature Reserve in Sunley Gardens.

No skills or previous experience are required, and all equipment will be provided on the day.

You just need to turn up with enthusiasm and clothes you don't mind getting grubby, organisers said.

John Kane, from Greenford Delta, said: "We've decided that rather than just getting depressed by litter on the towpath and in the canal, we'd get out there and make a difference, put the 'Grand' back into the Union Canal, so to speak.

"There's a growing awareness of how natural beauty in our environment improves our health and wellbeing but that beauty needs our care and protection to flourish. So, come along, pick up some rubbish, lift up your spirits and perhaps, you never know, shine a light into the windowless minds of the litter bugs."

Debbie Vidler, Canal & River Trust volunteer development co-ordinator, added: “We’re so grateful to John and his team for giving up their time to help us on this stretch of the Grand Union. Volunteers are doing so much to improve the canal, which is really having a renaissance.

"We want to make sure it is in the best condition possible, and the more people we have, the more we can get done. It’s a great chance to get stuck into some outdoor work and meet new people, so I’d encourage anyone interested to join us."