Children appreciated the multi-cultural community they are part of during International Day festivities.

Gifford Primary School in Greenhill Gardens, Northolt, held their annual celebrations on Thursday (June 11), raising £1,394.59 to subsidise trips and activities.

Pupils came to school dressed in their own traditional costumes and parents donated lots of food, drinks and goodies for the fete.

School finished early and parents escorted their children to the summer extravaganza on the grounds.

There were a number of stalls selling cakes, popcorn, and hot food, and children enjoyed the thrill of the funfair rides and the bouncy castle, as well as face painting, a henna stand, and the tombola.

Even the parents were dressed in their traditional costumes and soaked up the amazing community atmosphere.

Headteacher Nigel Cook said: “Gifford is a large multi-cultural primary school which brings together the whole community in this very successful and hugely popular event every year.

"I would like to thank all the parents for their generosity as without them this event would not be possible.

"The staff at Gifford have also worked extremely hard to ensure it’s a fun day for all. The governors have also been very supportive. I have thoroughly enjoyed meeting the parents today and have had a lot of positive feedback.”