Harlesden is a neighbourhood which has been hard hit by the London housing crisis.

Its population exploded between 2001 and 2011, growing by 50% to reach 18,900 and according to the London Plan's housing target it needs 2,249 extra homes between 2015 and 2037 to accommodate residents' needs.

Brent is the local authority with the fourth highest number of residents in temporary accommodation in the UK, according to council figures.

The Harlesden Neighbourhood Plan proposes to bring 600 new homes and 200 new jobs to the area by 2033 by redeveloping several major sites while "protecting the individuality and diversity of the neighbourhood in the face of large-scale new developments". Harlesden is home to London's second largest Jamaican population and is a melting pot of Irish, Brazilian, Polish, west African and Somali communities among many more.

The plan is currently up for public consultation with residents able to comment on the proposals - the final stage with be a local referendum in which residents will vote to adopt or reject the plans at the end of 2018.

If residents vote to adopt the plan then key sites in Harlesden could be massively redeveloped.

What could be built?

The Harlesden Neighbourhood Plan has earmarked four key sites for redevelopment with the aim of improving housing, transport and community facilities in the area.

It promises to deliver 600 new homes and 200 new jobs to Harlesden by 2033.

The following sites have been earmarked for redevelopment.

1. Harlesden Plaza

This is what Harlesden's town square could look like

The Harlesden Plaza site off Tavistock Road is currently made up of a Tesco supermarket, neighbouring shops and a car park as well as some High Street properties including the Methodist Church.

The plan proposes to transform the plaza into a new town square which will include a supermarket, new homes and a public space.

This is how Harlesden town square could be laid out

The plan does not outline how many new homes could be built in the space but does state that any new buildings in the square should be no more than four storeys high.

None of the buildings in the new town square should be taller than four storeys

An artist's impression of the new square shows it could be used as a spot for new homes and new shops.

2. Salvation Army Hall and Manor Park Works, Manor Park Road

New homes could be built behind the Salvation Army building in Manor Park Road

This site, set back behind Manor Park Road and Park Parade, is currently made up of industrial buildings including Manor Park Works.

The Harlesden Plan sets out to build new homes and an open community space there.

Any redevelopment of the Tavistock Road/Manor Park Road car park should maintain a minimum of 60 spaces for the town centre.

The plan does not outline how many houses could be built at the site at this early stage.

3. Former Willesden Ambulance Station

The site of the former Willesden Ambulance Station, in Harlesden Road, could see new homes built on it.

Precise details of how the site may be developed are yet to be released.

4. Willesden Junction station

Willesden Junction Station Square is another site which could be built on if the Harlesden Neighbourhood Plan goes ahead.

According to the plan "tall buildings will be acceptable at Willesden Junction station where it can be demonstrated that they will enhance local character".

The plan states a Willesden Junction redevelopment should include offices and homes as well as improvements to the station.

Huge changes could be made to the area around Willesden Junction station in the next 15 years

The following improvements are set out for Willesden Junction station:

  • Good pedestrian access from the north, especially from Station Road
  • Improvements to the access from Harrow Road will also be required, including safety improvements
  • A direct and attractive pedestrian route to Harlesden from the new bridge over the West Coast Main Line
  • A cycle route and cycle parking facilities should also be provided

The council's cabinet member for regeneration, highways and planning Councillor Shama Tatler said: "It's great to see the community of Harlesden come together and put forward a vision of how they would like Harlesden to develop over the next 15 years.

"Residents can comment on the Harlesden Neighbourhood Plan through the consultation before a local referendum later in the year."

Harlesden Neighbourhood Forum vice chair Nick Jones explained that the forum - an independent, voluntary group of local residents, employees and businesses - has been working since 2015 to develop the plan.

This has already involved substantial amounts of time being dedicated to meeting and talking to residents.

He said: "Given that the plan is out for consultation, and in due course will be subject to a formal vote, we feel it is important that people understand that the plan is a bottom-up approach from the community of Harlesden, not a top-down approach imposed by Brent Council (or anyone else).

"Neighbourhood plans, once adopted, have legal status and are used to determine planning policy at the neighbourhood level. What they cannot do is mandate or bring forward development such as the proposed town square, or promise to deliver a particular number of new homes."

You can view the Harlesden Neighbourhood Plan in more detail here.