High court bailiffs and police officers have attempted to evict climate activists and local residents squatting within Heathrow Airport's potential third runway zone. on Wednesday, July 8.

The community garden, Grow Heathrow, in Sipson, has been occupied since March 1 2010 and is one of many spaces that could be demolished if the third runway goes ahead.

On Wednesday (July 8), around five High Court bailiffs, seven police officers and the landowner visited the site, according to Transition Heathrow.

The community gardeners, who are blocking the runway, peacefully made themselves difficult to remove by climbing onto roofs, climbing up a tripod of scaffolding poles and locking their bodies to structures on site.

Campaigner Jack White, 25, who locked his body to the site office on Wednesday morning, said: “We are armed, only with peer-reviewed science.

“We're continuing to negotiate to buy our community gardens instead of having bailiffs at our home.

“We're going ahead with our plan today to paint a mural at the local primary school as part of a local arts project.

“Unqualified, inexperienced people like us shelved plans for a third runway in 2013 and we'll do it again, because the climate science still rules out airport expansion.

“If not now, then when? If not you, then who?”

Local resident Tracy Howard, who has lived in Sipson for more than 17 years, said: "Of course Grow Heathrow and other residents aren't going to let themselves be evicted to make way for climate crimes.

"We will not let over 700 of our homes be evicted and my kid's school bulldozed for a climate change factory that could emit 11.7m tonnes of CO2 - more than the whole of Kenya."