Harrow Council has come under fire for the state of recycling bins on a busy road in North Harrow.

The two bins, used for newspapers and magazines, are located either side of North Harrow tube station in Station Road and are overflowing with general rubbish after not being emptied.

Gary Glazerman has been bombarding the Civic Centre and its denizens asking them to do something about it, and says he will not stop until they are emptied or removed.

The 60-year-old said: “They’re absolutely disgusting.

“They’ve been there a few years and judging by the state of them I don’t think they’ve ever been emptied.”

To make matters worse, the overflowing rubbish is not just newspaper and magazines as the bins are intended for, but general everyday detritus.

The granddad continued: “There’s no point having newspaper and magazine recycling bin here because unfortunately the people get off at the station and throw their rubbish in any receptacle available.

“They have just become disgusting, they’re broken, full of rubbish and stink to high heaven in the summertime.”

He said he first reported the issue to the council in November but the bins have remained untouched.

It is Mr Glazerman’s understanding that the bins were placed by London Remade - a not-for-profit company aimed at tackling London’s waste. He contacted the company and was told that though London Remade provided the bins for the council, it was not their job to empty them.

This week, Harrow Council said it had demanded the bins be removed.

A spokesman said: “We are aware of complaints and issues about the state of newspaper/magazine bins near North Harrow tube station.

“We have raised this with London Remade, the owners of the bins, on numerous occasions and we have now given them a deadline to remove the bins.

“If they are not removed within this time Harrow Council will remove them and recover the full costs from London Remade.”

Getwestlondon tried but was unable to contact London Remade.