A magician conjured up some Christmas cheer to bring smiles to the faces of sick children at Ealing hospital.

The youngsters forgot about their illness for a short spell when they took part in the annual Christmas party on the tenth floor of the hospital in Uxbridge Road, Southall. (Dec.19)

Carole Dinsley, acting matron for paediatrics level 10, said: "The children had a lovely time making Christmas cards and decorating cakes, plenty of singing and making music, eating and drinking and finishing off with our magician. All the children were able to forget about their illness or disability for a little while and have some fun. Father Christmas was with us the whole time and gave out goody bags to all as they left."

Child Services Manager, Kay Larkin added: "It's so important that, like other children, our children also feel special at this time of year, even though they are in hospital. We are so grateful to all the staff who help make this possible."

The hopsital team prides itself on its family involvement, where everything is planned in discussion with children's families who are encouraged to play an active part in day-to-day care during the hospital stay.

The department works in partnership with Great Ormond Street Hospital providing continuing care both on the ward and in the community for seriously ill local children.