I WAS appalled at the Lib Dem party political broadcast featuring Sarah Teather, MP for Brent Central.

She talked about the Surestart programme and children's centres as though they were creations of the Lib Dem government. In fact, they Surestart was introduced by the Labour Party some years ago as a way of combating child poverty.

The coalition government has killed the payment of Educational Maintenance Allowance to pupils over 16, which encouraged them to stay in full-time education and raise their aspirations. The increase of university tuition fees is clearly a disincentive to enter higher education. Do the Lib Dems have principles?

Social and educational equality of opportunity has been abandoned by this vicious government behind meaningless phrases like 'the big society' that is 'fair to all'. The future for many of us looks bleak indeed.

COUNCILLOR HELGA GlADBAUM Labour ward councillor for Harlesden Brent Council