A UKIP campaigner submitted a serious petition with a cheeky veneer to 10 Downing Street.

Herbie Crossman, a security consultant of Alexandra Avenue, South Harrow, presented a silver platter containing the petition, fruitcakes and a set of comedy spectacles with dangly eyes on springs for the Prime Minister.

In 2006, David Cameron called UKIP members ‘fruitcakes, loonies and closet racists’ on air on LBC radio station and in April this year, Ken Clarke, minister without portfolio, agreed on Sky News he had met people from the party fitting that description.

Mr Crossman, 65, said: “The petition was for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The government should focus on the economy and not demonise me because of who I vote for, and they are just not listening to reality.

“The backbone of any economy in the world is small and medium-sized enterprises – the entrepreneurs and one man bands – and the fact they will bring this country out of the doldrums is not being recognised while the banks have been rewarded for failure.”

Mr Crossman has stood in numerous by-elections and elections and contested Harrow West constituency for UKIP at the 2010 General Election.

He said he wanted institutions to unite to provide a ‘lifeline’ package to SMEs to help them survive and grow, such as helping entrepreneurs formulate a sustainable business plan.

Mr Crossman said he and former Conservative councillor-turned-UKIP member Jeremy Zeid were looking to establish a Harrow branch of the party.

He presented his petition on Thursday last week.