PHOTOGRAPHS covering a broad range of topics from wildlife to portraits are on display at Harrow Camera Club's annual exhibition.

The group, which began in 1930, invited beginner and established local snappers to submit works for the show at Stanmore Library until September 22 after the official opening on September 6.

Avril Candler, vice-chairwoman, said: "The opening was very successful. The Mayor of Harrow, Councillor Mrinal Choudhury, really enjoyed the evening and he and his wife were very impressed with the work.

"The exhibition comprises work from every member, whether they are experienced or not. The selection committee took work from people across the board."

More than 80 prints have been hung at the library and grouped in loose themes.

"You go from the weird and wonderful to landscape-type pictures, the natural world and through to really interesting creative images, and wildlife, and one particular board is a collage of photographs," Mrs Candler said.

The 70-strong club, a member of the Chilterns’ Association of Camera Clubs, meets every Tuesday at 7.45pm the Guide Headquarters in Leeway Close, Hatch End.

Mrs Candler said: "The point is to learn about composition and helping your creative insight into your photography.

"We have a really comprehensive programe of talks and workshops. You don't have to take part in competitions but if you do, you're going to up your skill level."

n The camera club's free exhibition can be seen during Stanmore Library's opening hours.