SIXTY-SIX new homes will be built on the former Mill Works industrial site in Ruislip after plans were unanimously approved by councillors.

The existing buildings on the Bury Street site – which is part of the Ruislip Village Conservation Area – were used for manufacturing purposes in the Second World War, but have been derelict for some time.

They will be demolished to make way for 30 apartments in two three-storey blocks, and 36 semi-detached houses.

The proposals, by Ashill Developments, were agreed at a Hillingdon Council planning committee meeting last Tuesday (23) – despite concerns from residents' groups.

A petition with 29 signatures was submitted by Peter Musgrave, owner of the 17 th century, Grade II listed Mill House, which is less than eight metres away from the site.

Mr Musgrave argued that, while he was not against a new housing development, the three-storey buildings would dwarf his home.

He also said the distance between his home and two of the semi-detached houses is less the 15 metres recommended by council guidelines – which would allow new residents to see into his bedroom windows.

Mr Musgrave's concerns were backed by three Ruislip ward councillors, Philip Corthorne, Brian Crowe and John Riley.

Speaking after the meeting, Mr Musgrave said: "I am extremely disappointed, especially after all the support I received.

"I would have liked to see the plots for houses closest to mine moved and spoke to the planning officer about this many times but it seems to have been ignored."

Clive Pigram, chairman of the Ruislip Village Conservation Panel, also said parking at the development was 'woefully inadequate'. Overall, 116 spaces will be provided for residents.

Mr Pigram said: "Most houses have a minimum of two cars so there will potentially be 132 cars on the site, not including any visitors.

"Where are the extra cars going to park? Sharps Lane is too narrow and there is already congestion on Bury Street and Pinn Way. Parking has been completed washed over and remains unresolved."

Last year Ashill Developments submitted proposals for 83 new homes on the site, which were rejected by councillors.

But the committee agreed that the revised plans were unlikely to be improved further.

Councillor John Oswell said: "Parking is always an issue and to ask for a further reduction in the number of homes on the site is not likely to stand up if the matter went to appeal."

The development will, however, be subject to 43 strict conditions, including a solid wood fence being put up around the site and adequate cycle storage.

Ashill Developments spokesperson, Steve Lavers, said: "We made a number of changes to the design of buildings and worked with the council to achieve a relatively low density housing scheme that respects and enhances the Conservation Area.

"We will continue to speak to adjacent home owners to agree appropriate boundary treatments and ensure the new development sits comfortably in its setting."

CORRECTION: Last week we wrongly reported that Mill House was located on the former Mill Works site and one of the buildings due to be demolished if plans were approved. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.