My letter about the third runway and Heathrow's expansion has seemingly stirred some emotions.

Politicians have been keeping their heads down on this subject, which may well affect the wayvoters in this part of London react as they troop off to polling stations when the time comes.

Eileen Henderson, in her short note rapping my knuckles, is probably right in hinting I need my head looked at, but not, I think, on the question of Heathrow's future expansion.

I am no lover of any British political party, but I am grateful to New Labour under Tony Blair and Gordon Brown for the pension credit and income support I get and the way I was looked after in the homeless/refugee category about five years ago.

The noise of aircraft coming in to land from the east on the south runway in my comfortable Hounslow Homes sheltered accommodation studio flat is a reminder of the affluence everyone who lives in the UK today enjoys.

If the powers that be in Westminister say that a third runway is needed to keep us solvent in the very competitive years ahead, who am I to argue? I have as much to lose as anyone if Gordon and Alistair run out of funds because of a future inadequacy at Heathrow or in the Greater London area.

Editorial scissors will bring this contribution to Letters to the Editor to an abrupt end if I deal with all of Brian Wellsted's comments. All I shall say is that he will recall that on more than one occasion my suggestions about Manston as an alternative to the third runway seems to have been received negatively. Other new alternatives have too. Boris's pre-election suggestion about a new terminal in east London has, I think, been buried.

Those charged with finding the 'lolly' in the current financial stringency will have put paid to this and no doubt be numbed in to a state of apathy when considering where the money is coming from for the 2012 Olympics.

JIM PASQUAL Estridge Close,
