THE death knell was this week sounded for the much-loved Sands End Community Centre with the announcement of a £1.6m transfer of the remainder of its services to Hurlingham and Chelsea School.

A new library, arts and pottery suite and table tennis club will be rolled out at the nearby school within the next few months.

Other services and clubs like yoga, karate and the gym were transferred to other nearby community buildings last year.

Hammersmith and Fulham Council says the transfer, which is being funded by the sale of the centre, in Broughton Road, and a £300,000 investment by the school, fulfils its pledge to retain all the services offered by the centre.

But campaigners, who fought unsuccessfully for a year to stop the sale, says the authority is being disingenuous about the details of the changes, alleging that many of the services will be watered down.

Protester Ann Rosenberg said: "From the council's point of view, they fulfilled their pledge but the way they are marketing the changes it entirely disingenuous.

"If you compare like for like there is no way there will now be the same level of service. The library will essentially be a school facility, the pottery centre will be a fifth of the size that it used to be and you now need to have a direct debit for the gym, which is beyond many people.

"I think over time people will adjust but it's not the same."

But Hurlingham and Chelsea headteacher Phil Cross said the new hub will be of major benefit to residents.

Confirming that work would be finished by the spring, Dr Cross said the school's 'long-standing ambition to become a learning hub for South Fulham' had been realised.

Councillor Greg Smith added: "The extra funding that the council is pumping into Hurlingham & Chelsea will lead to the school becoming even more of a key focal point for the Sands End community.

"The thriving new hub of activity will offer all local residents, whatever their age or background, the perfect opportunity to access a broad range of first class services and activities all under one roof.

"Change is never easy but, once complete, I am confident that the local community will come to value this new innovative hub as much as they did the previous one."