A supermoon lit up the sky on Sunday.

A supermoon appears when there is a full, or new moon at a time of the year when the moon is closets to earth, therefore making it seem bigger and brighter.

Reader Ian Sephton snapped this incredible shot of Sunday night's supermoon.

Mr Sephton catured the spectacular image on a digital SLR camera Nikon D3200 with a 55-300 zoon lens.

Ian Sephton's stunning shot of the supermoon

He took it about 1am on Monday morning from the front of his house in Harefield.

"I didn't see any shooting stars sadly, possibly because the supermoon was so bright that it caused light pollution, but I must admit I was more interested in getting a good shot of the moon," he added.

And Jenny Dias, from Uxbridge, caught these beautiful shots from an aeroplane.

"I didn`t know it was a supermoon at the time," she said.

"We were flying at 38,000 feet on our way home from the Cape Verde Islands on Monday evening, and the moon looked stunning – not as big as seen from the ground though."

Jenny Dias caught this shot from a plane window

It could be seen all across the world, anywhere where there was a clear sky.

Gazette reporter Hannah Raven took this photo from Victoria Tower Gardens in Westminster on Sunday night

Others around the borough shared their photos of the stunning sky on Twitter.

Some stargazers were lucky enough to see a meteor shower - one of the year's most dramatic lunar events.

Did you see the supermoon? We would love to see your photos. Email hannah.raven@trinitymirror.com