Two dedicated volunteers have been providing a listening ear to people suffering from severe emotional distress since the Hillingdon Samaritans was first established 40 years ago.

Pat and Rosemary [they prefer not to give surnames] became Hillingdon Samaritans in February 1973, and are still helping a huge number of people by the simple act of picking up the phone and listening to people struggling with a range of issues and stresses.

Only a few things have changed in the time they have been at the Samaritans, now based in Press Road, Uxbridge, but originally set up by the Reverend Derek Strange, who operated the charity from Christ Church in Redford Way, Belmont Road.

When Pat and Rosemary joined, the Samaritans’ line was a number only people who were in a very desperate place would call.

“Forty years ago it was very much people who were suicidal who called in,” Pat said. “We were the people to call if you were suicidal, now we offer all types of emotional support to people.

“We always explore feelings, and it’s loneliness that people mostly call up about now. We have an ageing population and I think that leads to more loneliness and even more problems.”

Others call because of the break down of a relationship, and more increasingly, financial problems. But no matter the reason, the Samaritans will always offer a listening ear to those who need it.

Rosemary added: “We still occasionally get people who call up who do feel suicidal, but that’s not the majority by a long shot.”

The two women who give so much of their time to people who are often clinically depressed are still full of life and joy.

Pat describes her four hours a week volunteering as a ‘privilege’. She said: “I think you feel very privileged to listen to some of the things that we are talking to people about and by listening you give them time and space to explore their feelings.

“If you feel you have problems they seem to be much smaller after talking to these people.”

The two women, along with more than 70 other volunteers at Hillingdon Samaritans, find ways to cope with the pressure of people offloading their biggest stresses and strains.

Rosemary explained what makes it worth it. “When you are on a shift you just need one call to feel you helped somebody to feel better, to feel you have made a difference.”

Pat added: “You feel hope. You hope that that feeling will last.”

The team of dedicated volunteers are on hand to answer calls 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

As well as answering phones, the Samaritans offer a text and email service, which has been picked up by youngsters and people from across the globe.

The charity has also recently introduced a new service where they refer certain people to other agencies including Childline, Citizens Advice and the Women’s Centre.

Photo: Maria Andrews, director of Hillingdon Samaritans