A SUSBSTANTIAL increase in (largely empty) double-decker buses along route E2 via Pitshanger Lane on to Mount Avenue has already occurred over the last week following the announcement of proposed modifications to Pitshanger Lane.

This route was previously largely served by single-decker buses. Double-decker buses are routinely colliding with tree branches, damaging trees and causing distress to passengers.

These buses also have a considerable noise impact. This route is not suited to double-decker buses.

This illustrates the fact Ealing Council and TfL are not concerned with the views of local residents in their Streets for People campaign.

The Pitshanger Community Association (PCA), despite claims by its spokesman Tim Sumptor, does not represent the views of the majority of local residents. The few members of the PCA may welcome the proposals to ease congestion.

However, this was not the overall view of residents attending the recent unveiling of the proposed plans by Ealing Council, which I attended.