I live on the edge of Harrow town centre.

As I open my front door I see knee-high grass and weeds in the grass verge that has not been cut for months. As I walk along the local roads on my way to the town centre I see more knee-high grass on both sides of the road in the verges. When I reach the town centre - morning and nights - I find the pavements and roads littered with plastic bags and litter all over.

This is the run-down state of our once clean and tidy town centre and local roads we were proud of. What is in store for us in the future? A high-rise concrete jungle with traffic chaos, and local residents faced with their roads with more cars and congestion.

The council says it wants to be one of the best councils in London. Who are they kidding? Harrow is more likely to remain the worst council in London.


Labour Once a proud resident of Greenhill ward