As you enter the second trimester of your pregnancy you will develop a 'bump' and will be able to feel your baby moving and kicking.

Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Dr Penelope Law, lists her top 10 things every mother-to-be should do during the 13th-27th week of her pregnancy.

1. Share your excitement

Once your pregnancy is well established and your baby is safely supported by the placenta, you will naturally want to tell friends and family that you are expecting.

You may not wish to tell your boss or work colleagues just yet, as inevitably they will be delighted for you but will also wonder how this news will impact on them.

If your employment involves heavy lifting or international travel, you may wish to inform them now in order for small changes to be made so that your work is not harmful to you or your baby.

2. See your sonographer

You should attend a fetal anatomy scan appointment around the 18th-24th week of your pregnancy to check your baby and placenta's position.

Your sonographer will also assess the baby's anatomy for any signs of abnormality and may be able to tell you the baby's sex, so make sure you tell them if you don't want to know!

For mums who want to see their baby in more detail, 3 and 4D scans are recommended from 28/29 weeks' gestation.

3. Book your vaccinations

Pregnant women have a slightly higher risk of developing illnesses, and for this reason it is recommended that they have the flu vaccine.

This can be given at any stage during your pregnancy, but of course, the earlier it is given the more protection you and your baby will have.

Whilst you can't have the whooping cough vaccine until you are 28 weeks, it never hurts to check what appointments are available.

4. Start a pregnancy skincare regime

Pregnancy can affect the skin in many ways.

You might experience itchy skin and rashes, and many women will also develop stretch marks, caused by the tearing of collagen underneath the skin.

While you might not be able to prevent stretch marks you can keep them at bay by keeping the skin well moisturised.

It really doesn't matter which brand of body moisturiser you use, just use plenty and use it every day at least once.

5. Get physical

Unless you have been specifically told by your obstetrician or midwife not to exercise because of repeated bleeding, for example, it is perfectly safe to exercise.

Some exercises such as yoga and pilates can help prepare your body for labour by increasing your lung volume and improving your posture and pelvic floor strength.

Avoid partaking in contact sports, skiing or horse riding during pregnancy and if you feel any abdominal discomfort stop the activity and report this to your midwife.

6. Practice your pelvic floor exercises

Exercising your pelvic floor muscles can reduce your risk of postnatal urinary incontinence and aid your labour and delivery.

To do this, slowly squeeze the muscles around the anus, vagina and urethra when you are passing urine and try and stop the flow.

Hold for as long as you can then let go.

Don't worry if you cannot stop it entirely, most women can't, but it does help to build up the strength in these muscles.

7. Ask your midwife for a glucose tolerance test

Many maternity units will recommend a glucose tolerance test between the 24th and 28th week of your pregnancy.

This involves skipping breakfast, drinking a sugary drink at the clinic and then measuring how quickly your body breaks down that sugar.

If your body takes longer than expected to revert to the usual level of blood sugar, your doctor will suggest further tests and potentially a review of your sugar intake.

This is because babies who grow in a high sugar environment may then have problems maintaining their own sugar levels once they are born.

8. Check out the antenatal classes available to you

The Portland Hospital offers a range of classes including childbirth preparation, hypno-birthing and holistic therapies.

Full details of our antenatal classes can be found here, you can book to attend our classes regardless of whether you are having your baby with us or another hospital.

9. Reassure siblings

If you already have children, now may be a great time to excite them about the thought of having a new brother or sister.

Your new arrival will undoubtedly change your family dynamic and this can be unsettling, especially for younger children.

Children under two are unlikely to grasp the full meaning of the impending addition to the family, so I think it is probably best to wait until much later on for this age group.

Some slightly older siblings will delight in seeing their new baby brother or sister with you at your scan appointment.

10. Plan time with your partner

As the birth approaches, it is important that you and your partner work together to prepare yourselves both physically and mentally for your new addition.

If you are considering spending some alone time on holiday or a 'baby moon', the second trimester is one of the safest times to travel.

Do, however, make sure you take your hand-held notes with you and don't forget to speak to your midwife or obstetrician if you are considering flying long haul as you will need to take an aspirin (75mg) for each flight and wear flight socks.

You should also walk around the plane every hour and drink at least one glass of water per hour whilst on the plane.

This is because pregnant women are slightly more prone to blood clots, particularly if sitting for long periods of time.

To book an appointment with Dr Law please contact Portland Hospital maternity services enquiry line on 020 7390 6068 and speak to an advisor.