Views of people living in Hammersmith & Fulham are being sought by the council as it makes plans to prevent flooding caused by heavy rainfall.

It has recently completed its final draft of its updated Surface Water Management Plan (SWMP) and is now consulting with residents on the proposals.

The document looks at the council’s strategy for dealing with excess water following a deluge, including run-off from land and overflowing sewers.

One method to try and prevent localised flooding is the use of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS), which slow the flow of floodwaters, rather than letting it flow directly into the sewer system.

SuDS schemes are already being piloted in Goldhawk Road, Australia Road and Kenmont Gardens in College Park.

The schemes use methods such as soft landscaping and storage cells to reduce the rate of flow into the sewer. Further SuDs schemes are also planned for Mendora Road in Fulham and Melina Road, in Hammersmith, working in partnership with Thames Water.

Environment boss at the council, Wesley Harcourt, said: “We greatly value residents’ views on our plans to prevent flooding locally. Serious flooding is rare in the borough, but it is a real risk and we want to make sure we have the best plans possible to mitigate its impacts,” The SWMP document has examined potential flooding across the borough after storms and identifies areas of flooding risk after heavy rainfall.

An action plan has also been developed which outlines key actions to be taken by the council to reduce flood risks in the borough.

The SWMP document can be found on the council website at

Comments can be sent in writing to: George Warren, Flood Risk Manager, Hammersmith Town Hall, King Street, Hammersmith, London, W6 9JU, or via email to:

The closing date for comments is May 27.