Up to 200 people are expected to join a peace parade through Hounslow later this month.

Marchers, including schoolchildren and faith leaders, will call for an end to war and poverty across the world as they pass through Hounslow town centre on Saturday March 21.

They also hope to highlight global injustices like child abuse, slavery and trafficking during the procession, organised by the charity Disability Network Hounslow (DNH).

The People's Peace Parade will begin at 2pm, just off Hounslow High Street in Laurence Road, beside Harveys furniture store, and head up to Bell Square, where Hounslow mayor Corinna Smart and students from St Marks Catholic School will address those gathered.

The procession will then wind its way to the Gurdwara Sri Guru Singh Sabha, in Alice Way, off Hanworth Road, where refreshments will be available.

Ashi Dhillon, of DNH, said anyone was welcome to join the parade and she expected 150 to 200 people to take part.

"Young people have the right to grow up in a safe, peaceful and healthy environment free from the ravages of war, poverty, hunger, injustice, slavery and abuse," she added. "In a world where millions of children are dying through hunger and war, we realise we urgently need to focus on changing public attitudes and raising greater community awareness and cohesion in order to change and bring about peace in the world."

Marchers will hold aloft LED candles and DNH plans to put children's artwork and poetry inspired by the parade on display later this year.

For more about the parade, visit www.facebook.com/HounslowPeoplesPeaceParade.