SHARON Flint wrote about the fact that ice-cream vans are no longer allowed outside schools (How dare council steal our ice-cream?, Letters, March 31).

She makes the valid point that if the authorities care about health, what about local burger bars?

Regulators should ensure that food manufacturers use healthy ingredients with less saturated fat, salt, sugar and the artificial additives which can cause child hyperactivity.

I'm appalled that a famous chain of burger restaurants, who have several local restaurants, still adds harmful hydrogenated fat to some of their foods.

The Consumer's Association's 'Health Which' reported in 2003 that heart attacks and strokes could be greatly reduced if food manufacturers cut their use of hydrogenated ingredients.

Hydrogenation produces dangerous transfats and involves treating good vegetable oils with hydrogen at high temperatures.

This turns oils into hard saturated fat, to give a longer shelf life. Small particles of LDL bad cholesterol squeeze under blood vessel linings, narrowing passageways with a build-up of fatty plaques.

Many food manufacturers now no longer use hydrogenated fat, but this burger chain continues to use it unbeknown by the public!

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