OVER the last few weeks it seems Fassnidge Park has become populated with a large number of youths.

Okay, they have every right to be there and it's good that the parks are being used.

That being the case, could someone kindly point out to them the litter bins.

Currently they seem to be using the grass for this purpose.

This is not only unsightly, but discarding bottles, tins, all sorts of food containers, some with sharp edges, is a potential risk to children and pets who, oddly enough, would also like to make use of the nicer weather and have some sight of the grass for a while.

In the enclosed children's playground, maybe time could be expended to educate the mid-teens-plus that smoking, drinking alcohol, swearing at anyone passing, playing football and generally preventing young people from using the playground's equipment, clearly marked as for the under-12s, is something they should desist from. With most of these I suspect the only thing under 12 is their shoe size!

When this was pointed out to one particularly abusive individual, I was informed (amongst many swear words of course) that he couldn't read the signs. Ahh, the gaps in the education system these days are so worrying!

I wonder if the park patrol could happen by there sometime, just to see for themselves.

Maybe the CCTV cameras could be used to identify when this lot are around, which certainly seems to be far too often of late, and a police officer offer them the education they seem to be lacking.


Via e-mail