Southall’s muslim leaders have joined the global condemnation of ISIS actions and practices, saying they are ‘totally contrary to Islam’.

World Muslim Leader, the Caliph of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, urged leaders to exert their influence to stop Islamic militant groups from spreading their message of hate.

During his address at the 11th National Peace Symposium held in London, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad condemned the activities of ISIS and other extremist groups as ‘entirely un-Islamic’ branding their actions ‘utterly horrific and barbaric’.

Southall Ahmadiyya Muslim Community was instrumental in organising the symposium that was held at Baitul Futuh Mosque in Morden, the largest mosque in Western Europe. The event was host to over 1000 people including two Secretaries of State, a number of Parliamentarians and an Archbishop who read a special message from the Vatican.

Local leaders responded to the Caliph’s call to action by echoing his outrage at the brutal practices of ISIS.

Mr Suhail Mehmud, president of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Southall said: “His Holiness has provided a compelling analysis of how the actions of ISIS are totally contrary to Islam. The life of the Holy Prophet of Islam and everything he stood for is in stark contrast to what ISIS practices.

 “His Holiness made it abundantly clear that a concerted effort needs to be made by all parties to stop the supply lines of ISIS so that its network of terror ends swiftly.

“As we remember the fallen of the First World War we hope that this message of peace reaches the world so that their sacrifices are not in vain.”

Caliph Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said: “I would also hereby like to question those people or organisations who claim that Islam is a religion of violence on the basis of the atrocities of the extremist groups. I would ask them to consider how these groups are able to acquire such funds that allow them to continue their extremist activities and warfare for so long? How do they acquire such sophisticated weapons? Do they have arms industries or factories? It is quite obvious that they are receiving the help and support of certain powers. This could be direct support from very oil-rich states or it could be other major powers covertly providing assistance.”

“To simply lay the blame at the feet of Islam or particular groups will not save us from warfare or free us from our responsibilities. Thus all peaceful people should pressurise their governments, and certainly all figures of influence should reflect on this and seek to develop peace in the world by promoting true justice in their respective spheres of influence by taking firm action to prevent the destruction of world peace completely.”

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