WE write regarding two articles you published last week about the Brabazon estate.

The first article (page 21) reported how large numbers of residents opposed the proposed building plans on the open green spaces by Hounslow Homes.

The second article (page 22) was an update on the fun day on June 26. The chairman of the residents' association (BERA) is quoted as saying 'we didn't get quite as many as we expected because it was too hot'.

A great number of residents advised us at a Residents Against Building on Brabazon Estate (RABBE) meeting they would be boycotting this event as they felt they had been let down by BERA for not supporting them and objecting to the building plans, which is the reason why BERA was set up in 2008.

All residents' concerns should be taken into account!

MRS GARCHA RABBE representative