When I voted at the last general election I voted for the person I thought would represent not just myself but the whole community - yes it was John McDonnell, who has an outstanding record for representing the people of Hayes over the last 30 years.

If people's votes are to be respected in our democratic country then to refuse our local MP in Parliament a vote which concerns everybody who will suffer all that a third runway would bring is, in my opinion, inhuman, non democratic and against human rights.

I have expressed my opinion by writing to the Prime Minister,who passed my letter on to TFL who stated if the expansion goes ahead it will get four to five billion pounds a year.

So one can clearly see it is profit that comes before the quality of life,and for the people of Sipson who will have to suffer the stress and trauma this expansion will bring.

To all the MPs -I wish them well success for all of us fighting against the third runway at Heathrow.


Fairholme Crescent, Hayes.