A memorial to the 52 people killed in the July 7 bombings will be unveiled in Hyde Park today, marking the fourth anniversary of the worst terror attack to hit the capital.

The £1million sculpture, due to be opened by Prince Charles, features a stainless steel pillar to represent each of the victims of the attacks.

The pillars are clustered into four groups marking the separate locations of the attacks - Kings Cross, Edgware Road, Tavistock Square and Aldgate.

Survivors of the bombs will join victims' families, members of the emergency services and the Prime Minister to unveil the landmark.

A spokesman for the bereaved families said: "This is a fitting tribute, ensuring the world will never forget the 52 lives lost on 7 July, 2005.

"It represents the enormity of our loss, both on a personal and a public level. We hope this memorial will speak to visitors, so they can understand the impact of these horrofic events."

Boris Johnson, Mayor of London, added: "This memorial eachoes the steely determination shown by Londoners in the days following the bombings.

"Today reminds us that London's strength ultimately lies with its people."

Visitors will be able to walk among the pillars reading the inscriptions on each one.

There is a stainless steel plaque listing the names of the victims.