We all have to economise, what with the shares gloom, fuel prices, housing market and credit crunch. Here in the Chronicle office we like to feel that everyone is contributing in their own little way  to the war effort, or whatever it is we're doing.

For instance, when the editor nips across to Aldi before heading home at night, she always takes with her some recyclable carrier bags from Waitrose and M&S. Thus she can save both the planet and face.

The carrier bags are not cheapie see-throughs, so if you have not seen her scurrying across the Aldi car park it is easy to imagine them packed with £4.99 M&S ready meals and the pick of Waitrose's wines. Surely consumer confidence will boost M&S shares back to their rightful spot.

Aldi or not, there is no need to buy tomatoes, of course. Show off Clive continues to greet the first arrivals each morning with a display of fruit which has turned orangey-red overnight. But, should we bring in rationing? We pose the question because photographer Matt Grayson pointed out today he has not enjoyed even a nibble of Clive, while others contentedly sit at computers with tomato seeds dribbling down their shirts.

Consider this, if you will. Some diligent money savers get up early enough to make their own sarnies for work. Clearly, they should be rewarded with a good helping of Clive.

But others await the arrival of our sandwich delivery man. What they are now doing, in surely the most pathetic economy drive ever, is buying his cheapest rolls with the skimpiest fillings – and then transforming their lunch with lashings of chopped Clive.

Come on people, play fair. We're all in the compost together, you know.