GOLF club members teed off at proposals to dismantle and replace their course took their protests to the Civic Centre on Friday.

The band of protesters, armed with self-made placards reading 'Wildlife not wallets' and 'Greenbelt not landfill' made their voices heard in full view of the passing public, hoping to drive home their message.

They are angry at plans by Mack Trading Ltd who manage Uxbridge Golf Course, in Harvil Road, Ickenham, on behalf of Hillingdon Council, to completely renovate the course.

Mack Trading want to fill the course with landfill and remodel it entirely, which will take in excess of two years.

The plans are opposed by the committee of the golf course, and both the Ickenham Residents Association, and the Harefield Tenants and Residents Association, who object to plans which will see up to 200 lorries a day carrying materials up narrow country roads.

A decision on the future of the club will be made by planning committee on October 7.