MORE than one fifth of staff at Hillingdon Hospital and Mount Vernon Hospital are battling with stress, according to a new report.

In addition to this, figures show that 17 per cent of staff have suffered injuries sustained at work in the last 12 months.

17 per cent of staff at the trust said that, in the last year, they had been injured or felt unwell as a result of at least one of moving and handling equipment; needlestick and sharps injuries; slips, trips or falls; or exposure to dangerous substances.

These figures were included in the annual staff survery completed by the Hillingdon Hospital Trust, which was published by the Care Quality Commission last week.

Nine per cent of staff said they had experienced physical violence from patients or the public in the last year.

The biggest positive was that 81 per cent of staff said they felt satisfied with the quality of work and patient care they are able to deliver, far above the national average of 70 per cent.

A Trust spokesman said: "This is the largest staff survey carried out anywhere in the world and we are delighted by the reaction of our staff, particularly where it shows that we are ahead of most trusts in the quality of care we provide to our patients.

"Although there are some areas of concern, which we are working on with specific action plans, we are pleased that we are in the lowest 20 per cent of trusts where staff say they are suffering from stress. To handle this we have an expert occupational health service and offer counselling to staff.

"We are determined to ensure that both Hillingdon and Mount Vernon hospitals continue to improve the way we work with our staff to ensure patients get the best possible care."