Just over 400 years ago, a group of young men plotted to blow up the Houses of Parliament. The people had become tired of being persecuted by the government (don't start!), and this group of 13 included the mercenary Guy Fawkes, sometimes known as Guido Fawkes, Britain's most notorious traitor.

I do however, find it strange, if not slightly amusing, that we should commemorate such a conspiracy.

On the night that the plot was discovered, bonfires were lit to celebrate the fact that the king had not been killed, and that Guy Fawkes, who was found with 13 barrels of gun powder in the cellars of the House of Commons, had been tortured and executed.

To this day, many of us are not sure if we are celebrating the death of Guy Fawkes or his desire to do away with the government!

I remember organising bonfire parties when my boys were young, but for me the high point was always the social side - hot food and good wine enjoyed with friends and family. My challenge was always to do something interesting, as well as tasty and hot!

I am not sure if Guido was Italian, half Italian, or was it a nickname? But this reminded me of one of Chef Trompetto's favourite meals when I was at The Savoy.

It was also very well received when I cooked it one year for our bonfire party.

Bollito misto

Ingredients (serves 10)

* 1kg each of beef brisket, belly of pork, breast of veal

* 1 cooked cotechino sausage, about 1kg

* 5 large chicken legs, cut in half * 2 sticks of celery cut into small batons

* 3 large carrots, peeled and cut into small batons

* About 20 button onions, peeled

* 2 large courgettes, cut into batons

* 2 leeks, cut into small rings

* 20-30 new potatoes, peeled

* 2 bay leaves

* 1 sprig of rosemary

Method 1) Dice the beef, cut the pork belly into 10 strips, and the veal into 10 strips, then place them in a large pot, with the bay leaves and rosemary.

2) Cover with cold water and bring to the boil, skimming off the fat.

3) Drop in 1tbs sea salt and simmer for about 90 minutes.

4) Add the celery, carrots and onions, and cook for 30 minutes.

5) Add the chicken, sausage (cut into rings), and potatoes and cook for a further 20 minutes.

6) Add more water as necessary, and continue to remove any fat.

7) Add the courgettes and leeks and cook for another 20 minutes, by which time, all the ingredients should be cooked.

8) Season to taste, and serve with some mayonnaise mixed with mustard, and some good fresh Ciabatta bread.

Terry's tip: Traditionally from Piemont, in northern Italy, this should contain seven types of meat and seven types of vegetable. It also normally takes at least three hours to cook, but my version is a bit quicker!