I refer to the article on the front page of last week's Gazette regarding the patient files left on the wall [see reference above].

I hope that readers and bosses will not be too hard on the staff concerned. I believe that these records refer to patients who are visited at home by a dedicated team of hard working mental health professionals.

This team treats patients at home so that they do not need to go to hospital and, in other cases, facilitates early discharge from hospital.

I know this as I was one of their patients (or clients as we prefer to be called) at the relevant time. I assume that what happened was that the team was trying to find an address, hence the street atlas, and in doing so they accidentally left the atlas and the list of clients on the wall.

How many of us can honestly say we have never made a mistake such as leaving something on a bus or train or lost something at home?

I know this had the potential to be a serious mistake but let's not make too much of it.

The document has been found and, although my details are probably on that list, it does not unduly concern me.