Like your correspondent, Dave Robins, I'm delighted that the Government has deferred a final decision on the third runway.

I'm also pleased to note the cross-party support for the Early Day Motion currently before Parliament. Going through the list of MPs backing it I note that my local MP Virendra Sharma is supporting it as is Andrew Slaughter.

However I can't help noticing the absence of the name of the third Ealing MP, Steve Pound. I've written to the Gazette before commenting on Mr Pound's continuing silence on this issue, strange in the case of an MP not normally shy of expressing views.

It's doubly strange in that a third runway will have a major impact on the residents of North Ealing as the proposed new departure flight path will fly over Southall, Greenford and Northolt.

There will inevitably be a major increase in both noise and pollution. The new runway is planned to start operating in 2020 but if we are to stop it action has to be taken now.

Future generations will not thank us if we fail to act now.

