THE news that Harrow will house one of the first polyclinics in London is likely to be met with mixed feelings.

Whilst it may seem that this new scheme allows for longer opening hours and greater facilities in one place - it may be the beginning of the end for GP surgeries.

The health authorities say no doctors will be forced to uproot and relocate but circumstances might force them to.

As older surgeries slide into disrepair can we expect to see more polyclinics popping up over the borough and other GP surgeries fighting for the space at these one-stop-shops?

People may have to accept that every time they go to the doctor they are greeted by a stranger.

And the quality of care is bound to be affected.

People will be treated by someone with zero first-hand knowledge of their specific medical history.

It seems the only way these clinics will serve to enhance the care of the public is if they work alongside existing GP surgeries not in competition with them.